Friday, 31 July 2009
Investment Bankers : Emperors New Clothes
Check out this brilliant website.
Wednesday, 29 July 2009
More Melons, 1.6 Million Tonnes of Wasted Food & Anti-social Behaviour
Tuesday, 28 July 2009
Henry Mintzberg : Managers Not MBAs & the Credit Crunch
Audit Commission : In denial?
Monday, 27 July 2009
Loopy Lou Citizen Centric CRM & Refuse Collection
- 'My bin was not emptied'.
- 'They've left the bin in the middle of the road and I cant put it back'.
- 'They wont empty my bin because the lid was not closed properly'.
The council had not communicated to its tax payers the number to call if they had queries about bin collections etc. As a result callers did what they have always done either phoned the old number or contacted the waste management department direct. The person answering the phone could answer their question but a policy decision was made to instruct the caller to use the contact centre. Just to be sure the council changed the employee's contract to discourage them from answering a question they could answer from a tax payer.
Step 1 Upon calling the contact centre the caller had to explain for a second time their requirements or concerns.
Step 2 The call centre assistant raised a case that was to be work-flowed to the waste management department. Unfortunately, the spanking new CRM system did not talk the waste management computer system. So the waste management department employed someone to manually allocate the calls and keep the CRM system up to date. The result was that some cases got lost.
Step 3 Callers with cases that got lost phoned back to chase. Some had forgotten the 10 digit modulus 11 quadratic reference number they were given. So the call centre assistant promised to look into it then phone back.
Step 4 In frustration callers contacted the waste management department direct. Goto Step 1.
Our bin men do a vital and important job, which has more social purpose than working in a call centre divorced from reality. Bin men should be paid more instead of using the money to staff call centres who just apologise for poor service and record information., 26 July 2009
The Rise of Fascism & the Bloated Quangos
- The UK government is soft on crime the BNP will be hard on criminals. How?
- Immigrants are taking all the jobs. The BNP will repatriate all the immigrants and give those jobs to the 2.7 million unemployed. Assuming the 2.7 million want to do those difficult and very important jobs that immigrants seem more able and willing to do.
- The BNP will make us more secure by bringing home the troops. Why does bringing home the troops make us more secure? Surely, putting in place health, education and economic opportunities for women and the poor is betting than letting Sharia law and Jihadists flourish.
- A sharia state can be established in the UK. How? Do the likes of Anjim and Izzadeen not know that just like the mujahadeen in Afghanistan the British people have always challenged, fought and beat fascist oppressors.
So as the tax payer we invest in the Commission for Racial Equality and Commission for Human Rights to try and marginalise the extremists. Their response to the rise of fascism is to protect their own self interest. Trevor Philips and Nicola Brewer must do more to challenge the BNP, discourage sharia law and champion rights for the victims of crime instead of wasting their time making videos on youtube to show off their offices. Being to soft on criminals, tolerating public sector inefficiency, encouraging +ve discrimination and just monitoring anti social behaviour in our local communities is fuelling a move towards nihilism whether the kind advocated by the BNP, gang culture or Al Qaeda. The quangos headed by Trevor Philips and Nicola Brewer are not doing enough with the money we have given them to stop the rise of Fascism and inequality. The Fascists will be laughing their heads off at our response to their plans to cause chaos. Trevor looks so bored talking about his sofa and Nicola thinks she is running a corporate business.
Liberata : Top of the BPO Flops
(1) Learning Skills Council - Education Maintenance Allowance
Computer problems delayed payments to 150000 students. The grant is their to help those less economically well off than their overpaid consultants and executives funded by the tax payer. The Learning Skills Council is one of the biggest quangos in the UK funded by the tax payer and what did they do to penalise Liberata? Nothing. Not even a fine.
(2) Life and Pensions
The Financial Services Authority fined Liberata £525,000 - more than 10% of the company's profit in the last financial year - after failures in its systems and controls meant policyholders did not receive documentation on their investments. The FSA are another quango funded by the tax payer. The FSA fines outsourcers if they do not maintain effective systems and controls to mitigate the risk of fraud. Did the FSA give us back the 525k? No. Why are the FSA not applying the same stringent monitoring in the Square Mile that has left teh public sector out of pocket for the next 15 years?
(3) Southwark
Southwark Labour’s resources spokesman, Cllr Richard Livingstone said:
“Liberata have underperformed in Southwark for years. Their pathetic legacy has cost the council hundreds of thousands of pounds in uncollected council tax, which could have been used to keep the price of meals on wheels down for Southwark’s vulnerable residents or the Livesey Children’s Museum open. At the beginning of the year we argued that it was time for the Lib Dem/Tory coalition to sack Liberata but our calls were ignored.
“Since April the contractor’s performance hasn’t improved in Southwark and their current financial troubles, which has been caused by their own incompetence nationally, means that is highly unlikely that they will be able to improve. My worry is that faced with a massive blackhole in their finances they’ll strip back spending on staff and other resources, and that council tax collection rates in Southwark will fall through the floor as a result.
“The Lib Dem/Tory coalition needs to look at ways of bringing council tax collection back in-house. The situation that’s existed for the past few years, where the council has paid out millions of pounds to a private company which hasn’t done its job, is ridiculous. Croydon Council, which took its council tax collection service back in-house from Liberata in 2004, has steadily improved its collection rates and has just had its best year’s performance. We believe that Southwark can do the same.”
Given the above what does a key central government the department Culture, Media and Sprt go and do...
Thursday, 2 July 2009
Local Government Busy Doing Nothing & Costing 600 Million a Year
BT : Calls Maybe Recorded For Training Purposes
"We want to be known as a responsible business that is making a difference to some of the global challenges society faces. We want to be known as an innovative business that is developing solutions that benefit society while supporting long-term growth, creating competitive advantage and building successful relationships with our stakeholders. "
BT are voyeurs, dont give a stuff about you privacy, rights, data protection, liars, spies and dont understand simple questions.