Picture the scene. I'm watching channel four news around 7ish throwing a rubber brick at the television because Fred Goodwin is trying to blame everyone else for the credit crunch instead of his peers gambling habit. There is a knock at the door and standing there is another type of person who blames others for all the problems. Its the local British National Party candidate. He has ruined my day so the urge to ruin his day become my primary motivation and sole goal in life for the next 30 mins. The guy makes some tempting promises that can only be delivered if I believe that those of non indigenous descent are to blame for all my pet hates. He wants me to vote for repatriation and putting white indigenous people first. As I give him my response to his promises his own Picture of Dorian Gray starts to manifest itself.
Promise Number 1 : More Doctors, Social Workers and Nurses
The NHS spends 40 billion+ a year dealing with people who lead toxic life-styles. Alcohol, smoking, drugs and obesity. I point out to the BNP guy that most of the people clogging up A&E 3 days a week are white people who cannot handle their drink. The people fixing them are in the main of ethnic descent. Social services deal with Elderly people dumped or neglected by their love ones. Mainly, white people do this and direct carers of ethnic descent comfort them. Direct care jobs are poorly paid and the white workshy prefer benefits because cleaning someones arse is beneath them.
Promise Number 2 : No more anti social behaviour
The dog shiton the streets in my neighbourhood is left by dogs owned by white people with Union Jack flag tatoos. I tell the BNP guy there are no ethnic minorities who can afford to live in the area. So its not their dogs crapping all over the place. The council pride themselves on multiculturalism and equality wont put ethnic people in the local social housing. The local youths who get pissed are white and middle class. Muslims don't drink. The litter and spit on the pavements is caused by white kids leaving and goingto school.
Promise Number 3 : Reduce Unemployment & Improve Education
The families with several generations of unemployed are in the main white. Their kids do crap at school while the non whites do well at the same schools. I ask him how is the BNP going to get the white British workshy doing socially useful work instead of living off handouts? I kid you not he runs off.Watch some indigenous people with British Passports join the BNP http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N1vJt92nxFC