Monday, 24 August 2009

The BNP & the Picture of Dorian Gray

900000 people in this country voted for the BNP in the last local elections. Lots of performance, no substance and a fear of the real picture. http
Picture the scene. I'm watching channel four news around 7ish throwing a rubber brick at the television because Fred Goodwin is trying to blame everyone else for the credit crunch instead of his peers gambling habit. There is a knock at the door and standing there is another type of person who blames others for all the problems. Its the local British National Party candidate. He has ruined my day so the urge to ruin his day become my primary motivation and sole goal in life for the next 30 mins. The guy makes some tempting promises that can only be delivered if I believe that those of non indigenous descent are to blame for all my pet hates. He wants me to vote for repatriation and putting white indigenous people first. As I give him my response to his promises his own Picture of Dorian Gray starts to manifest itself.

Promise Number 1 : More Doctors, Social Workers and Nurses

The NHS spends 40 billion+ a year dealing with people who lead toxic life-styles. Alcohol, smoking, drugs and obesity. I point out to the BNP guy that most of the people clogging up A&E 3 days a week are white people who cannot handle their drink. The people fixing them are in the main of ethnic descent. Social services deal with Elderly people dumped or neglected by their love ones. Mainly, white people do this and direct carers of ethnic descent comfort them. Direct care jobs are poorly paid and the white workshy prefer benefits because cleaning someones arse is beneath them.

Promise Number 2 : No more anti social behaviour

The dog shiton the streets in my neighbourhood is left by dogs owned by white people with Union Jack flag tatoos. I tell the BNP guy there are no ethnic minorities who can afford to live in the area. So its not their dogs crapping all over the place. The council pride themselves on multiculturalism and equality wont put ethnic people in the local social housing. The local youths who get pissed are white and middle class. Muslims don't drink. The litter and spit on the pavements is caused by white kids leaving and goingto school.

Promise Number 3 : Reduce Unemployment & Improve Education

The families with several generations of unemployed are in the main white. Their kids do crap at school while the non whites do well at the same schools. I ask him how is the BNP going to get the white British workshy doing socially useful work instead of living off handouts? I kid you not he runs off.

Watch some indigenous people with British Passports join the BNP

Dawn of the Dead

In the early 70's the youth of America and the UK created Woodstock to stick 2 fingers up to the way the world was being run. Today it is just as bad but there wont be another Woodstock because our youth cannot be bothered and market forces wont let them. There is a song that was played about the vietnam war. All I've done is changed the words Vietnam to Afghanistan. Since the 70's the song has only slighty change a ndthe state of the world is no different in terms of conflict. What has changed is the face and attitude of our youth. Punk was the last great 2 finger salute to the establishment. After that the music was about just dancing and getting drunk. Market forces and consumerism have turned our youth into selfish dis-respectful apathetic self obsessed zombies who crave celebrity above anything else. George A Romero's Dawn of the Dead 1972 finale says it all Gangs of teenagers hanging around our Shopping Centres and town centres doing nowt apart from cussing and playing top trumps with their gadgets. There will never be another Woodstock our youth are zombied out on consumerism. George A Romero saw it coming.

Well common all of you big strong men, uncle sam needs your help again,he got himself in a terrible jam, way down yander in Afghanistan,put down your books and pick up a gun, we're gunna have a whole lotta fun.
and its 1,2,3 what are we fightin for?don't ask me i don't give a dam, the next stop is Iran then Pakistan,and its 5,6,7 open up the pearly gates. Well there aint no time to wonder why...WHOPEE we're all gunna die.
now come on wall street don't be slow, why man this's war a-go-go,there's plenty good money to be made, supplyin' the army with the tools of the trade,just hope and pray that when they drop the bomb, they drop it on the Taliban.
and its 1,2,3 what are we fightin for?don't ask me i don't give a dam, the next stop is Iran then Pakistan,and its 5,6,7 open up the pearly gates. Well there aint no time to wonder why...WHOPEE we're all gunna die.
now common generals lets move fast, your big chance is here at last.nite you go out and get those rag heads the only good Jihadi is one thats dead,you know that peace can only be won, when you blow em all to kingdom come.

and its 1,2,3 what are we fightin for?don't ask me i don't give a dam, the next stop is Somalia,and its 5,6,7 open up the pearly gates. Well there aint no time to wonder why...WHOPEE we're all gunna die.

(spoken)- listen people i dont know you expect to ever stop the war if you cant sing any better than that... theres about 300,000 of you f***kers out there.. i want you to start singing..
now common mothers throughout the land, pack your boys off to Afghanistan,common fathers don't hesitate, send your sons off before its too late, be the first one on your block, to have your boy come home in a box
Here is the original by Country Joe and the Fish

Binge Drinking : My Town Centre Stinks of P**S and Sick

Welcome to an article on the irrationality that has led to UK town centres become no go areas, greater opportunity for burglars, profit for the drinks industry and the rise of the community safety industry. All because of liberalism, protecting human rights and a basic lack of understanding around supply and demand. The UK spends billions on the NHS and police to deal with the consequences. Who experiences first hand the excess of Western Society? Hard working Muslim taxi drivers. Who is telling them to make more of an effort to integrate? The same lot whose liberal thinking and policies has led to anarchy in our town centres.

The tax payer spends 40 billion pounds a year on the NHS and police so they can deal with the consequences of the great British nigh out. Stabbings, people glassed, split heads from head-butting, broken ankles, concussion, preventing people from drowning in their own vomit and stranger rapes. Walk around your city centre on Sunday morning. The stench of urine and vomit is unmissable. Not to mention the ridiculous amount of litter. The splash damage permeates from our urban areas to the suburban. Anti-social behaviour fuelled by under-age drinking because they want to be like everyone else. So how did it get this bad? Here are the ingredients:

(i) 24hr drinking and relaxation of the licensing laws

In the early part of this century the law was made easier for anyone to obtain license to sell alcohol. Labour saw this as a major source of revenue to fund their ever growing spending on the public sector.

(ii) The number of bars increased

As a result the relaxation in the licensing laws the number of bars increased.

(iii) Supply outstripped demand

There is a maximum number of prospective drinkers who could afford the pub prices. So to compete and attract more drinkers price wars broke out. Encouraging everyone to binge.

(iv) The Brits Cant handle their Drink

Contrary to popular belief the Brits have no genetic qualities allowing them to drink more. However, they think so. In this country it is a badge of honour to be able to drink alcohol.

(v) Most of us are Miffed Off

Political correctness prevents us from say how we feel and expressing our frustrations. Offending people does not physically hurt the recipient but there are legal consequences. So we drink away our frustrations with the modern world.

(vi) The Supermarkets Joined In

Spotting the market for binge drinking the supermarkets offered cut price deals to get pre-loaded before going out. The main offender is Tesco's at 14 per unit.

(vii) What Happened to the Revenue?

Nothing. The tax from the night time economy funds the services that deal with the consequences.

  • Mobile medical wards;

  • Children's Units specialising in alcohol dependency;

  • The Community Safety Industry who collect information about anti-social behaviour but can't do anything about it.
(viii) Sharia Law is the answer!

The UK night time economy is a recruiting sergeant for Muslim extremism. Most of the taxi drivers are devout followers of peace loving version of Islam. However, on the sidelines are the likes of Anjem Choudary saying 'look how the infidels live'. Hey Anjem love your acting before you converted

(xi) The Rise of the BNP

In response to the state tolerating the intolerable version of violent Islam the BNP have a more sympathetic ear in our towns.

Friday, 21 August 2009

The Grievance Industry

A grievance is the subject of a complaint filed by an employee to be resolved by procedures provided in the employee contract. Within the public sector an industry has grown to deal with a grievance. There are people who administer the grievance. There are people who make sure the grievance is administered correctly. There are people who scrutinise the people checking that the grievance is administered correctly. There are legal firms with a no win no fee approach who look after those making the grievance. There are legal firms who help make sure the organisation responsible for the grievance don't get hoodwinked by the legal firms looking after the person who made the grievance. There is only 1 group of people who pay for this the council tax payer. The mis-use of the public sector grievance costs the tax payer £000000s. A cause of a grievance can be traced to 1 of 4 sources:
  • Political correctness;
  • Health & Safety;
  • Crap management;
  • A belief that you are good at your job when you are not.

So here are 3 stories of grievances from local councils in the UK.

(i) The Bomb Squad

This council's canteen is segregated along racial lines. The council involved was given a 4* excellence rating by the CPA and preaches multi-culturism. In the last local election the BNP acquired a seat. At lunch time the Hindus sat together while the Muslims kept themselves to the themselves. The Hindus would watch the Muslim chaps go for a walk together around the council grounds. The strap line was 'there goes the bomb squad'. A senior manager who was white had a quiet word to politely ask the Hindu chap involved to refrain from commiting islamaphobia. He didn't listen so the manager complained and raised a grievance. In response the Hindu chap raised a grievance accusing the white British manager of discrimination because he let the Muslim chaps take a break for prayers and told him off for taking excessive cigarette breaks.

(ii) Hangover

IT project managers love their alcohol and normally keep a good supply of paracetamols for the day after. On this particular occasion the project manager involved did not have any. So he went around the office asking for pills. His manager a right jobsworth spotted a member of the team handing over a couple of pills. She said it was against health and safety policy as someone could go around the office to collect pills, take an overdose and the company could be liable for their demise. The rules were there to prevent IT project managers inadvertently committing suicide and to protect the council from the costs of challenging a subsquent litigation. The members of staff involved ignored the request to refrain from issuing 2 tablets and the senior office put in a grievance citing insubordination and their authority not being recognised.

(iii) Manual Handling

Manual handling is the term to used to describe techniques for picking stuff up and moving things around without causing yourself an injury. This council opened a new Community and Sports Centre and employed a maintenance man. The union insisted all staff attended a manual handling course. A couple of weeks before the centre opened the General Manager asked the maintenance man on his first day to walk around the centre and identify all the maintenance jobs that needed to be done. Some of these jobs involved moving a couple of fridges and installing a couple of dishwashers. No different from the type of equipment you find in any home. The maintenance operative put in a grievance on the grounds the General Manager asked him to do stuff that involved moving heavy stuff around.

I say send in Terry Tate Office Linebacker to end this stoopidness

Monday, 17 August 2009

Strategy Execution Consulting

It's no big secret the public sector wastes a fortune on management consultants. As a result the 'steal your watch to tell you the time brigade' from the House of Lies come in for a hard time. If you look at it from their point of view they are invited in, they do their thing and tell the civil service powers that be their thoughts. Now imagine, you know you are talking common sense and could save the tax payer a significant amount of dosh only to find time and time again the civil servant managing you is in no position to make it happen. How are you going to feel?

Honesty is a new methodology that recognises your average employee in the public sector is basically a slave, one deck short of a full load and in it to purely boost their over-inflated protected pensions. So we at Truth Inc have developed a model to cut through the mire of garbage about putting the customer first, improving services for all and striving for corporate efficiencies. Instead we propose that you do the following to initiate the “Winds of Change”

· Ignore the customer, they are generally thick
· Impossible for service improvement if you still employ the same peasants
· You cant make a “Silk Purse” out of a “sows ear” efficiencies are pure fantasy
Accept the above and the “Winds of Change” are at your finger tips, lets face it we all know “water runs downhill” you just need to know the direction. Our consultants will load the bullet of change to speed your way to the promised land of public sector nirvana….

The Honest Approach

Honest is broad in scope encompassing the whole business Transformation Journey, as we take you from the inevitable piss poor performance levels you are currently delivering to a marginally better use of the taxpayers money by slashing and burning the people, services and processes you deploy. To explore Honesty in detail register free as a Honest member, just make sure you are not a local government employee as you will immediately be rejected on grounds of competence.

The Honesty Process
Honesty is the brainchild of a number of ex Management Consultants who have had enough of telling lies but love the profit. The new and improved Honesty cuts through the everyday local government bullshit and takes you on a journey of discovery that only the delusional would ignore. We urge all Local Government Chief Execs to ditch the lunacy of PRINCE2 and other priceless useless methodologies and get real with Honesty, the modern methodology for the more discerning card carrying local government Executive. Honest consultants come with years of experience, we know you lie, we know you don’t work hard, we know you are inept, we know you are grossly incompetent and we know you treat public money like a kid treats his sweetie allowance.

Honesty will take you on a vision led, benefits driven Transformation Journey using 8 Phases
Strategic Need – You sign a big fat fixed price contract for our unique insight on local government

Stage 1 – At Honesty we simply assume you are useless

Stage 2 – time to get the crayons and colours out

Stage 3 – countless interviews and design meetings with your people

Stage 4 – we ignore the above phase and do what we want

Stage 5 – we tinker with the odd process and call it “transformational”

Stage 6– we start to sack your people

Stage 7 – we hand over all service provision to outside private contractors

Stage 8 – Benefits realisation. At Honesty we don’t do this, its too hard and the Audit Commission wont spot the failure.

Stage 9 – You and most of your people will be on the dole

Checkout how management consultants are managed by their firms. Got to go got an email from local governemnt Chief Executive. Something about Origami.......

Friday, 14 August 2009

Motorway Services, Crap Expensive Food, Snack Sex and a Bright Red Chocolate Starfish

When you work in a private sector job that pays the minimum wage I can guarantee you'll experience the following:
  • Crap management;
  • Profiteering;
  • Boredom;
  • Coming up with ways to do as little as possible to get through the day.

The one sector you can see all this is action is the dreaded roadside eateries and motorway services. Last I heard the motorway services industry turned over 2 billion quid a year. When you are exploited, bored and treated like poo by middle management in these places you'll do one of 6 things:

  1. Smack the manager in the gob and do a runner;
  2. Day dream about ripping off the company;
  3. Writing to the press to blow the lid on the poor hygiene and poor customer service;
  4. Pretend to be ill to get the day off;
  5. Focus your energy on chatting up the ladies;
  6. Get in with the inner circle who have regular sex in the store rooms & smoke pot.
So I'm working in one of these places with a guy who has been there for years. I'll call him Fred to protect his identity. Fred does this job full time and he hates the company he works for with a passion. When you see him with the customers he is nice as pie but his hatred stemmed from the way he is treated like a robot and spoken to like a like slave by the management. A few of them were OK but most were people whose only source of importance were holding sway over people like me and Fred. Boy did they enjoy it. You'd be working on the other side of the restaurant and then by Chinese whispers you'd be summoned. Upon arrival they'd ask you to go and get them a cup of tea. Anyway, Fred had watched an episode of Only Fools & Horses that had got him thinking. The one where grandad throws himself down a pub cellar to get compensation. Fred wanted to do something similar to extract compensation from the company. Over the next couple of days the ideas flowed thick and fast.

  • Back pain as a result of slipping on the kitchen floor. Non starter because it happened everyday and the company lawyer had a response for every scenario. For some reason the legal eagles had perfected the art of always pinning liability on the employee who had the accident.
  • Hand in the deep fat fryer as a result of slipping on the floor. Non starter because it was really painful and Fred did not like pain.
  • Physical assault by the manager. Non starter because we enjoyed the punch ups with the manager in the car park. Also, everyone new the managers where soft and they'd never throw a punch.
  • Food poisoning. Non starter because we accepted it as an occupational hazard and any investigation by the authorities resulted in more work for us. Namely, painting over the mold and fungus in the food prep areas so they looked clean. The other reason was if you pretended to have the runs you'd get a day off on the sick or more sneaky cigarette time. For a couple of months I was seeing a girl in the fast food joint. You know the period of the relationship when all you do is have sex. One evening I pretended to have the runs, met her in the ambient store room and 15 mins later we were having a smoke.
The final idea was a beaut. There were these two massive filter coffee machines. You had to stand on a stool to put several bags of coffee in the filter bit. Then this overhead pipe filled it with hot water. Sometimes the hot water and used up coffee would splash on you like napalm and cause minor burns. Fred's plan was to simulate a major overspill that would go down his back and burn him. In return for 25% on the compensation my role was to splash hot scalding water on his back and set up the special effects. So the scene was set. We'd set the machine up to over spill, splash hot water on Fred's back then he'd leg it back to the coffee point to flail all over the place in pain. In the kitchen area he bent over the sink and lifted his shirt. I was behind him with a small jug of scalding water to splash on his back. Unfortunately, I got the wrist action wrong. Instead of fling and splash it was more of a twist and pour down the crack between his two bum cheeks. That was the last time Fred ever spoke to me. It was the last time I spoke to him because the story turned into an urban 'Brokeback Mountain' myth where I was caught in an uncompromising position with Fred in a storeroom by the manager on duty. Ouch

Wednesday, 12 August 2009

MP Alan Duncan : Rich Twit With A Big Unhelpful Gob

MP Alan Duncan Fat Cat Millionaire moaning about being poor and living on rations. Welcome to the real world you arrogant snob. What a twit. I hope David Cameron sacks him.

How to get Free Health-care in the USA?

The only place you can get free health care in the USA is Guantanamo Bay. Nice waiting room. Would all the rich Neo conservatives with MBAs, private healthcare and their pointless jobs in investment banking that caused the credit just sit and listen

Sunday, 9 August 2009

Janet's Idea : Shame the UK Government Is Not Listening

Detailed below is a comment I found on the website of a local paper in the Midlands. The person who wrote is an everyday person. The kind from the silent majority of ordinary people who are not being listened to. The silent law abiding majority currently being let down be the corporate banking sector and the UK government. Janet's idea is called the Patriotic Retirement Plan. These are the kind of ideas that will get the UK out of the mess. Why are the politicians not thinking out of the box?

Here's Janet's suggestion for fixing Britain's economy.Instead of giving billions of pounds to banks that will squander the money on lavish parties and unearned bonuses, use the following plan. You can call it the Patriotic Retirement Plan. There are about 20 million people over 50 in the work force. Pay them £1 million apiece severance for early retirement with the following stipulations:

1 They must retire. Twenty million job openings – unemployment fixed.
2 They must buy a new British car. Twenty million cars ordered – auto industry fixed.
3 They must either buy a house or pay off their mortgage – housing crisis fixed.
4 They must send their kids to school, college or university – crime rate fixed
5 Buy £50 of alcohol and/or tobacco a week – there's the Government's money back in duty/tax. It can't get any easier than that!

P.S. If more money is needed, have MPs pay back their falsely-claimed expenses and second home allowances.
David Cameron aint better either

Thursday, 6 August 2009

£50 Billion Quantitative Easing : Mr Creosote where's my dividend?

Apparently, I'm a shareholder and have invested in corporate banking. Nobody asked me and I didn't apply for it. I've not been invited to a shareholder meeting to vote on anything. I don't know what the annual dividend or my forecast earnings per share looks like. In the meantime some people I know cannot get drugs to help them with their terminal illness because the NHS cannot afford it. Across the other side of the world in Afghanistan and Pakistan their are a load of young men who want to slit my children's throat and blow my wife to smithereens because their country has no money to provide the most basic standard of living and anything resembling a decent education. A load of children starved to death today. What did this Government do? Gave a bunch of arrogant incompetent rich people another £50 billion of our tax payer cash. Instead of going on a diet we are letting the gluttonous corporate banking machine gorge themselves on our cash. Check out the video to see the Square Milers celebrating securing £50 million of cash for doing sweet FA

Wednesday, 5 August 2009

Barclay Profits : So FSA Wont Let Me Be and It Feels So Empty Without Me

Reading the bally hoo around Barclay's profits you'd think jesus had turned up at Canary Wharf. We all know the major corporate banks School of Enron Financial Reporting are reports that can both lie and tell a version of the truth at the same time. So I aint convinced. The future of this country cannot be dependent on making money from money. We need to be making stuff that is useful, environmentally friendly and that loadsa people want to buy. Anyway, I've attached a video showing stereotype Square Milers and investment bankers celebrating their return in the eye of a storm. Enimen mashed up with the theme tune from Only Fools & Horses. Groovy.

Monday, 3 August 2009

Every Child Does Not Matter

Prior to the credit crunch the estate agents reckoned 3 out of 4 house sales fell through following agreement on best and final offer. Reasons range from change in personal circumstances, lack of access to funding and deciding not to move at the last moment. One of the more interesting reasons is to get your kid into the local school. The scam works like this:
  • Put in an offer on a house in the post code area for the school of your choice;
  • Apply to the school;
  • Get the place;
  • Pull out of the deal.

Scam is probably a strong word because who could blame the perpetrator for trying to get their kid a decent education. In this particular story the plaintiff lived on an estate with known problems and would never be able to afford a house in the catchment area for the school she had set her sights on. Who could blame her? The ratio to class sizes between in the public and private sector is 28:14. Assuming that the 28 is well behaved and not suffering from any psychological or physical condition requiring significant teacher attention is unrealistic. Further degrading the teacher's capacity to educate instead of control behaviour. School facilities across the local area differ in the area of ICT, sports facilities, scientific equipment and art supplies. The closely you go to the inner city the worst the facilities become. Dame Suzi Leather's answer is to encourage the private sector to share their facilities with the public sector (working class hero... The Learning Skills Council wastes 300 million on a college building scheme and spends 60 million because the administration of the Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA) policy is complex. Are these the best recommendations costly quangos can think of? Why don't we take all this money spent on the Charity Commission (, failed construction schemes and costly adminstration schemes thne give 30% to social enterprises who enable social mobility and 70% to fund extra teachers. The tax payer spends a fortune on the public sector education system. Is their not enough public money but spent doing the wrong thing? I had a dream where for 1 whole term the DFES just let the primary schools do their own thing without any targets. Parents, children and teachers agreed the targets. Wonderful things happened.

What happens in the USA tends to happen over here. Shame of a Nation