The tax payer spends 40 billion pounds a year on the NHS and police so they can deal with the consequences of the great British nigh out. Stabbings, people glassed, split heads from head-butting, broken ankles, concussion, preventing people from drowning in their own vomit and stranger rapes. Walk around your city centre on Sunday morning. The stench of urine and vomit is unmissable. Not to mention the ridiculous amount of litter. The splash damage permeates from our urban areas to the suburban. Anti-social behaviour fuelled by under-age drinking because they want to be like everyone else. So how did it get this bad? Here are the ingredients:
(i) 24hr drinking and relaxation of the licensing laws
In the early part of this century the law was made easier for anyone to obtain license to sell alcohol. Labour saw this as a major source of revenue to fund their ever growing spending on the public sector.
(ii) The number of bars increased
As a result the relaxation in the licensing laws the number of bars increased.
(iii) Supply outstripped demand
There is a maximum number of prospective drinkers who could afford the pub prices. So to compete and attract more drinkers price wars broke out. Encouraging everyone to binge.
(iv) The Brits Cant handle their Drink
Contrary to popular belief the Brits have no genetic qualities allowing them to drink more. However, they think so. In this country it is a badge of honour to be able to drink alcohol.
(v) Most of us are Miffed Off
Political correctness prevents us from say how we feel and expressing our frustrations. Offending people does not physically hurt the recipient but there are legal consequences. So we drink away our frustrations with the modern world.
(vi) The Supermarkets Joined In
Spotting the market for binge drinking the supermarkets offered cut price deals to get pre-loaded before going out. The main offender is Tesco's at 14 per unit.
(vii) What Happened to the Revenue?
Nothing. The tax from the night time economy funds the services that deal with the consequences.
- Mobile medical wards;
- Children's Units specialising in alcohol dependency;
- The Community Safety Industry who collect information about anti-social behaviour but can't do anything about it.
The UK night time economy is a recruiting sergeant for Muslim extremism. Most of the taxi drivers are devout followers of peace loving version of Islam. However, on the sidelines are the likes of Anjem Choudary saying 'look how the infidels live'. Hey Anjem love your acting before you converted http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4mz1FrEzdPw
(xi) The Rise of the BNP
In response to the state tolerating the intolerable version of violent Islam the BNP have a more sympathetic ear in our towns.
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