Tuesday, 5 January 2010
How to save the NHS 2.75 Billion Quid

Sunday, 18 October 2009
Shariah UK News @ 10

Religious police had the crap kicked out of them today when they attempted to turn off the supply of Guiness in Northern Ireland and Lager in Scotland. A massive car bomb was defused in Belfast. The Irish Republic Nationalist Royal Unionist Coalition claimed responsibility.
Burger King launched its re-branded outlets across the UK today. Shares in the chain rose sharply in the new chain Burkha King.
The Department for Infidel Assimilation launched a more user friendly range of Islamic dress for males today. Complaints have risen over the lack of a zip allowing the male population to release their privates for the purpose of having relieving themselves. The lead designer Mustapha Peepee claimed the new range had a ‘fly’ on the front.
The Department for Media has reportedly paid George Lucas 1 million pounds to Islamify Star Wars. At a sneak preview George Lucas unveiled Hijabba the Hut.
The Islamic Department of Health claimed that there was no such thing as Swine Flu but it was OK to get Avian Flu.
Perez Hilton was banned from travelling to the UK by the Immigration Authorities. The opposition party Infidel Nationalist UK party supported the decision.
UK shepherds came out in their 10000s today to protest at the decision to ban sheep shagging. The Islamic Court ruled that having sex with a sheep was not Halal.
Police today arrested 40 protesters outside the Houses of Parliament for inciting racial hatred. Notice boards saying, ‘Behead those who offend democracy’ were confiscated.
Now the sport in this evening’s game Liverpoolabaad beat Manchestehran Unitedstan by 3 goals. Alex Ferguson blamed his defenders for growing their beards too long and tripping over them too much.
FCUK Martyrdom have come under fire for discriminating against fat people. FCUK Martyrdom said,’we only supply suicide bomber belts to size 0 only.’
And finally, Sheik Simon Cowell has launched a new version of Islamic Britain’s Got Talent – Taliban Idol. If the participants don’t put on a good show the audience can stone to death the act on stage. Analysts predict Susan Boyle, Kerry Katona, Michael Buble and Peter Andre wont it make it past the first round. News Flash the Islamic Immigration Authorities have allowed Perez Hilton into the country to present Taliban Idol!
Monday, 5 October 2009
Middle England Meets Baloo in Banff

So I’m on this coach on my way to Banff and I suddenly realise my worst nightmare has come true I’m now middle class. By the mere fact alone I can afford this jaunt my economic classification puts me with the middle-classes. Nobody burps loudly or uses foul language. Everyone is awfully polite while farting silently and looking innocent. The tour guide starts his speech as we pull up to Banff. There are the usual moans about not understanding him. So instead of asking him politely to repeat himself the cackling classes just moan about him not knowing the queens English. Before we get off the coach we are given a leaflet telling us what to do in the event we meet a bear. Apparently, in the event a bear comes after you what you have to do is put yourself into a foetal position. The bear may munch on your head or rip your arm off but under no circumstances should you move. In the foyer of the hotel there is an ever growing crescendo of moans from the Brits about the bear thing not being mentioned in the brochure. There is the usual mention of writing a complaint. However, all that noise comes to an abrupt end when the tour guide mentions the hotel is in fact a Motel and there is no restaurant. Shock horror we have to eat where the locals eat. The tour guide takes his life in his hands when he goes on to say that we are to meet at the coach at 7am and the only restaurant open for breakfast is a 10 min walk on the other side of town. Oh my good god a bunch of bourgeoisie have to get up early and walk to a place where we can have our shredded wheat to keep us regular.
The alarm clock goes off at 530am and I get dressed for my hike across town. It is still dark outside. I have this over-whelming urge to get dressed in a bear suit and knock everyone’s door then jump out and say, ‘I’m hear to eat you and paying your taxes wont save you’. In the motel foyer you can spot the Brits. They are the ones who wear shorts, rain-coat and dark coloured pulled up socks with sandals. It is cold and not raining. As I make my way towards town in the early morning twighlight I notice around 20 Brits from my coach party huddled behind a wall. I approach the group and when I get there they are scared shitless. One grabs my arm and pulls me down saying, ‘Get down you bloody fool he will see you’. Who the f**k is he? Michael Myers, Freddie Krugger, Hannabil Lector? I have a look over the wall and in the distance I can see the silhouette of a 7ft foot black bear. Someone in the group whispers, ‘What is it doing, is it coming this way?’ I reply, ‘I think so’. The guy legs it, two others put themselves into the foetal position whilst another suggests phoning 999. Errrr it is Canada.
I creep around the side of the wall to take another look. The bear is still standing there. One big hairy dude, a 7ft killing machine. Out of my backpack I search for my binoculars. As I look through the binoculars, I kid you not Baloo from Jungle Book is staring right back at me. Not a real one but a plastic 7ft model. His belly is a rubbish bin.
Man vs Bear http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f94WI-0chv4
Friday, 2 October 2009
Get a Snout out of the Trough

Wednesday, 30 September 2009
Silos then Sadness

(i) The Community Safety Industry
Local government in Leicestershire consists of the city council, the unitary county council and several district councils. Parish council’s do not have any capacity or capability to deal with anti social behaviour. In fact there are Parish Council’s in Leicestershire who turn a blind eye because they don’t want to create a negative perception of their rural area’s to keep the house prices high. Each council has a Community Safety team and there are minions who collect information for mapping on Geographical Information Systems. The process is called Thematic Mapping. However, data on anti –social behaviour comes from a variety of sources and there are gatekeepers controlling its release - the Information Management Industry
(ii) The Information Management Industry
These guys run around making sure it is legal and proper for the Local Council to share their information with every other public sector body. It is not in their interest to encourage information sharing because that would put 50% of them out of job. Before information can be shared all parties must agree a data sharing protocol. This process of negotiation takes months and months. However, they don’t have the resource so its payday for the management consultants. If you don’t believe me send in a Freedom of Information request to ask for the amount of money spent on advisory services around the domain of information management. Unfortunately, you will probably be asked to pay 600 quid by the Information Management lot.
(iii) The Telephone numbers
There are three numbers 999, 101 and 0116 222222 to report anti social behaviour. The scope of 101 is for the City only. So if you phone it and tell them you are from the district you’ll be told to go elsewhere. Its called ‘sign posting’. The 0116 2222222 is a beaut. Sometimes you’ll get no answer. Then there is the night-watchman. He is an old fellow who in the past had a tendency to forget to pass on the details from the call to the duty sergeant. The call recording system for the 0116 2222222 number is not the same as the highly sophisticated computer system used by 999 staff.
Underage drinkers cannot afford a night on the town and the door staff can spot them. Underage drinkers love Friday & Saturday night in the rural areas because they know the police cannot resource an effective response. They know the police are tied down dealing with the consequences of the night time economy. If there is a gang of youths wrecking your car at the same time as chucking out time in the town centres the coppers are unlikely to respond. So you either sit and watch it through the curtains or go out on your own and risk being murdered like Gary Newlove. There is the baseball ball option i.e. call a load of mates to deal with the scumbags. When you ask most beat bobbles they tell you they’d quite happy for a vigilante mob to take the law into their own hands. The police know there is no deterrent.
(v) Grot Spots & My Illegal Tree
If you map anti –social behaviour incidents in a 10 mile radius you’ll find clusters of hotspots. If you then walk or take the bus to each hotspot you’ll travel through a transport corridor with a plethora of grot along the way. Grot is a term to describe:
§ Tagging;
§ Fly tipping;
§ Dog fouling;
§ Rubbish.
Ask the council to clean it and 9 times out 10 it is not their problem to either sort it out or make sure the landlords deal with it. A significant volume of calls to contact centres is about cleaning grot. The staff spend more time being trained in explaining why a council cannot do something instead of sorting it out. Grot spots encourage anti social behaviour and send a message that nobody is bothered. Local Government in Leicesterhire tolerates grot spots. I dare anyone to have a tree in the garden next to a bus stop. As soon as one leaf obscures the bus stop sign Leicestershire Highways department will send you letter telling you to cut your out of control tree or get fined. Tell the same department about grot spots and they are armed with several reasons why its not their problem. Again, try it out in your area by organising an EVA – Environmental Audit. A load of people from various organisations turn. Police, dog warden, highways etc. You point things out, show the relationship with anti social behaviour and I can guarantee the Highways lot are the most unresponsive. It is because they operate on a semi-commercial basis. So cleaning graffiti off the street furniture is a cost they cant recover. Oh I nearly forget if you want some graffiti cleaning quickly you need to write some homophobic or racist graffiti next to it.
(vi) Dispersal Orders
The council can approve a dispersal order to prevent youths gathering in known hotspots. The police don’t like dispersal orders because that means they’ve got to enforce them. The case against dispersal orders is normally taken by the touchee feelee human rights legal brigade who live in nice areas that don’t have anti-social behaviour.
(vii) Stings without a Sting
If you are caught selling alcohol to minors as part of a sting operation you will probably have to get caught several times before your licence is revoked.
(viii) Irresponsible Dog Owners
Try this test. Phone the 0116 2222222 number and say you’ve seen some yob with dangerous dog off a lead. Its presence alone intimidates children on the street. The copper on the end of line will give you a speech along the lines the dog owner has done nothing wrong. The police put the rights of an intimidating dog clearly being used as a status symbol by a yob above and beyond the rights of children to play in the street.
(ix) Blue Bags
A minor can carry booze and as long as it is in a bag they can walk past a community police or regular police offer knowing full well the copper won’t do anything. Unless the officer sees the youth drink it they cannot confiscate it. It is the reason why you see loads of blue plastic bags all over the place. Cheapo Off Licences use the cheapo blue bags.
(x) Soft Drinks that Are Hard Drinks
Our youthful drinkers love hard spirits mixed with soft drinks. The police know they’ve mixed it but for reasons no police officer has ever explained to me they don’t confiscate it. I’ve seen it with my own eyes.
(xi) Potty
When a gang of youths are stoned the probability of trouble reduces. When they are drunk the risk goes up. Peer pressure kicks in as inhibitions are reduced. If you mention to a policeman that you are OK with soft drug taking going on in your neighbourhood to anesthetise yobs the copper may warn you about your attitude to soft drugs.
(xii) The Void of Irresponsible Social Landlords(ISLs)
ISLs take forever to deal with tenants causing anti social behaviour. Why - because of voids. Voids are charges landlords have on their books for an empty property. Loadsa voids are bad when the auditors come in. The number of voids influences the level of funding to expand. Vacant properties in areas of deprivation become grot spots. So a troublesome tenant is better than no tenant.
(xiii) Out of Sight out of Mind
You may have noticed in your local parks seating areas that look like bus shelters. These are sheltered areas where youth gangs hang out. The police know that underage drinking goes on along with soft drug taking. However, they turn a blind eye because the youths are not bothering anyone in the park. The police are knowingly tolerating youths who break the law. These gangs wear all the latest designer gear, have the latest phones and MP3 players. Where are they getting the money from? What happens when they walk back home through the neighbourhoods? A trail of vandalism is the norm. The drugs and the lager gives you the munches so it is off to the fast food takeaways. In my neighbourhood you tend to wake up on Sat morning with food on your car, litter everywhere and pools of sick on the pavement.
(xvi) A Tale of Two Places
Got to the clock tower in Leicester city centre and open a can of lager. Within 10 minutes that can of lager will be confiscated. Go into the rural areas, openly walk up and down the street drinking lager while behaving like a prat. Nothing happens. Why is it not OK to drink in a town centre but ok in a residential area? The mind boggles.
(xv) Parents
I’ve saved the best for last. This goes out to the ‘My kid is not like that he or she is as good as gold.’ I say to those parents go and hang out at the bus stops and schools at chucking out time. It is not a minority.
§ Parents abusing the car parking rules;
§ Kids spitting and swearing;
§ Kids littering the place;
§ Kids using foul language;
§ Smoking pot.
No teachers to be seen or an authority figure challenging these behaviours.
I could go on and on and on with examples that clearly prove that the authorities in Leicestershire tolerate anti social behaviour.
Rest in peace Fiona Pilkington I hope you and your daughter have found a happier place to be together. You won’t be forgotten.
Monday, 28 September 2009
An Infidel's First Jihad

Monday, 21 September 2009
For those that miss disaster capitalism
Dear those who miss the good old days of disaster capitalism. Things are on the up. http://bluechipfables.blogspot.com/2009/09/wealth-creation-and-share-prices-on-up.html However, watch out King Kong is about... http://bluechipfables.blogspot.com/2009/09/my-mate-king-kong.html
Thursday, 17 September 2009
Reasons Why I Will Never Join the Taleban
(i) You Cant Eat Bacon
Bacon sandwiches are delicious. Especially after a heavy night on the booze.
(ii) Fashion Disaster
There is no way I'd pull a bit of skirt dressed in the traditional dress.
(iii) The 40 Virgins Thing
It takes real faith to remain celibate until you die in the hope you can shag for eternity.
(iv) I Have Smelly Feet
The taking the shoes off thing wont work. My feet smell.
(v) No Booze
No chance of giving that up.
(vi) Nobody Understands You
Given Islam's popularity it is the least understood religion. Too many interpretations of the Koran to understand.
(vii) The Looney Left Wanna Be Your Best Friend
The Socialist Worker Party want to be your best mate. They've tried for years to cause mayhem on our streets. The last lot they exploited where Afro Caribbeans in the early 80's. Once they've used you they will turn on you.
(viii) No Gambling
Sorry no can do. Winning the lottery is my only way out of the the UK loonfest. Islam4Uk can have the UK. Its full of whingers, greedy people and spongers. They will do anything not to change. Good luck with sorting out the white social underclass. Watch out for our football hooligans they loving nothing more than to beat anyone up for the slightest of reasons. Then there is the Unionist Paramilitaries who have made their peace with the IRA. I'm sure they'll have something to say about the imposition of Shariah law in Belfast. I'll be watching on the TV live other side of world when an one of you tries to turn off the supply of Guinness.
(ix) The Muslim Council of Britain
What a joke. They have worst leaders than both the Labour Party and Conservatives. No wonder the alienated Muslim youth don't listen to anyone other than their own conscience.
(x) To Unfit to Riot
All that running around and throwing things at the police. Looks like too much cardio.
(xi) Scottish & Welsh People
The Scotts & Welsh are well hard. They've been fighting the english for years. I cant see them
being very happy about Shariah. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x1j31AnF1zs
Bacon sandwiches are delicious. Especially after a heavy night on the booze.
(ii) Fashion Disaster
There is no way I'd pull a bit of skirt dressed in the traditional dress.
(iii) The 40 Virgins Thing
It takes real faith to remain celibate until you die in the hope you can shag for eternity.
(iv) I Have Smelly Feet
The taking the shoes off thing wont work. My feet smell.
(v) No Booze
No chance of giving that up.
(vi) Nobody Understands You
Given Islam's popularity it is the least understood religion. Too many interpretations of the Koran to understand.
(vii) The Looney Left Wanna Be Your Best Friend
The Socialist Worker Party want to be your best mate. They've tried for years to cause mayhem on our streets. The last lot they exploited where Afro Caribbeans in the early 80's. Once they've used you they will turn on you.
(viii) No Gambling
Sorry no can do. Winning the lottery is my only way out of the the UK loonfest. Islam4Uk can have the UK. Its full of whingers, greedy people and spongers. They will do anything not to change. Good luck with sorting out the white social underclass. Watch out for our football hooligans they loving nothing more than to beat anyone up for the slightest of reasons. Then there is the Unionist Paramilitaries who have made their peace with the IRA. I'm sure they'll have something to say about the imposition of Shariah law in Belfast. I'll be watching on the TV live other side of world when an one of you tries to turn off the supply of Guinness.
(ix) The Muslim Council of Britain
What a joke. They have worst leaders than both the Labour Party and Conservatives. No wonder the alienated Muslim youth don't listen to anyone other than their own conscience.
(x) To Unfit to Riot
All that running around and throwing things at the police. Looks like too much cardio.
(xi) Scottish & Welsh People
The Scotts & Welsh are well hard. They've been fighting the english for years. I cant see them
being very happy about Shariah. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x1j31AnF1zs
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