Thursday, 17 September 2009

Reasons Why I Will Never Join the Taleban

(i) You Cant Eat Bacon

Bacon sandwiches are delicious. Especially after a heavy night on the booze.

(ii) Fashion Disaster

There is no way I'd pull a bit of skirt dressed in the traditional dress.

(iii) The 40 Virgins Thing

It takes real faith to remain celibate until you die in the hope you can shag for eternity.

(iv) I Have Smelly Feet

The taking the shoes off thing wont work. My feet smell.

(v) No Booze

No chance of giving that up.

(vi) Nobody Understands You

Given Islam's popularity it is the least understood religion. Too many interpretations of the Koran to understand.

(vii) The Looney Left Wanna Be Your Best Friend

The Socialist Worker Party want to be your best mate. They've tried for years to cause mayhem on our streets. The last lot they exploited where Afro Caribbeans in the early 80's. Once they've used you they will turn on you.

(viii) No Gambling

Sorry no can do. Winning the lottery is my only way out of the the UK loonfest. Islam4Uk can have the UK. Its full of whingers, greedy people and spongers. They will do anything not to change. Good luck with sorting out the white social underclass. Watch out for our football hooligans they loving nothing more than to beat anyone up for the slightest of reasons. Then there is the Unionist Paramilitaries who have made their peace with the IRA. I'm sure they'll have something to say about the imposition of Shariah law in Belfast. I'll be watching on the TV live other side of world when an one of you tries to turn off the supply of Guinness.

(ix) The Muslim Council of Britain

What a joke. They have worst leaders than both the Labour Party and Conservatives. No wonder the alienated Muslim youth don't listen to anyone other than their own conscience.

(x) To Unfit to Riot

All that running around and throwing things at the police. Looks like too much cardio.

(xi) Scottish & Welsh People

The Scotts & Welsh are well hard. They've been fighting the english for years. I cant see them
being very happy about Shariah.

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