The capitalist imperialist scum will pay for the exploitation of my family. The target is the Nottingham Indoor Arena. A packed venue for the Disney on Ice show. Last time we nearly got caught and had to abort the mission. The package is packed tightly around my mid rift. They've got highly trained security who search you on entry and CCTV that can see what you are doing in the dark. Once I'm sitting down in the crowd I'll release the package. I approach security. I'm sweating. The place is packed with families and their children. The security guard in a policeman like outfit grabs my bags and searches them. I ask 'Why?' He says in a helpful arrogant voice, 'Because he can'. If only he knew. They make you walk past the merchandising stores and sweet shops to get to the toilets and your seats. Plastic pointlessness for 15 pounds a pop. Kids pester their parents to buy everything. Lots of them cry. The sweets & drinks are overpriced by 150%. The fast food costs a fortune and its loaded with junk ingredients. There was me thinking Disney and the Nottingham Indoor Arena were family friendly. I cant wait to sit down and do the deed. As I make my way to the seats the camera's are on me and security guards are searching everyone. I sit down and lights go down low. Mickey skates out on to the ice. Here is my moment of glory to stick to them. I have got past all their security measures enforced as a result of anti terror legislation. My hand grabs the package. Out it pops. A bagful of goodies for my kids from the supermarket purchased at 70% cheaper than the prices in the Nottingham Indoor Arena. Popcorn, chocolate, crisps and fizzy drinks. Put that in your poop shoot you money grabbing rip off merchants with MBAs from pretend business schools. Nottingham Indoor Arena and the major cinema chains are using military techniques and technologies to stop and search parents smuggling in cheap refreshments. The reason why is they make
loadsa profit on their over priced junk.
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